Saturday, December 27, 2008

Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right. ~Oprah Winfrey

Happy Holidays to everyone! Hope you all got to spend some good times with your family and friends. With a new year coming soon, it is natural to think about your goals and resolutions for 2009. One of the things on my 'to-do list' is to get myself more organized at home.

Better Homes & Gardens has some great information on simple DIY projects for organization. I really do feel that if your environment is neat and organized, you will be able to think much more clearly as well. Even now, I'm having a hard time writing eloquently because my desk is a little messy at the moment (sure blame it on the desk...).

Also, Good Housekeeping has this great article about 3 different websites to help you keep organized, all with different tools and tricks of keeping up a happy household. I'm really interested in having some sort of chart or spread sheet in my iPhone to keep me straight. Technology always makes things a little more interesting for me! Well anyway, here's to a great 2009!